During the first session, I will provide a brief explanation of Reiki and ask the client to describe their symptoms.
In Reiki therapy, the client remains fully clothed and simply lies down quietly while I place my hands gently on them. Most sessions begin with the head and neck, but if a particular area is especially painful or symptomatic, I will concentrate on that area.
In some cases, the client may be asked to change positions during the session, and if there is significant muscle tension, I may also lightly massage the affected area with their consent.
Clients seek Reiki therapy for a range of symptoms including back pain, neck and shoulder tension, joint pain, allergies, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, PMS, various cancers, brain tumors, insomnia, hypersensitivity, autonomic nervous system disorders, depression, and psychosomatic disorders, among others.
Learn Jikiden Reiki in Japan, Jikiden Reiki English seminar, Jikiden Reiki English, Jikiden Reiki Japanese teacher teaches in English, Jikiden Reiki Tokyo, Jikiden Reiki Kyoto, Jikiden Reiki Nagasaki, Jikiden Reiki Kyushu, Jikiden Reiki

♢ 靈氣療法 90分 (病気/怪我全般、古傷、痛みの改善、軽減、手術前後のケア。健康な方のメンテナンスとリラクゼーション。前後の会話含みます。)
♢ 性癖治療 90分 (前半は体のケア、残りの時間で性癖治療を行います。(心配性、不安、怒りっぽい、短気、トラウマ、挫折、喪失感、アルコール依存、喫煙、摂食障害、など)
♢ 遠隔靈氣 60分
♢ 重病者(癌治療、膠原病、リウマチなどの慢性病)への継続的セッション料金は、
♢ ペットへの靈氣療法、遠隔靈氣もお受け出来ます。
♢ Reiki Therapy for body 90 minutes (Includes consultation before and after session. Helps with general illnesses/injuries, old injuries, pain relief, and care before/after surgery. Also helps with maintenance and relaxation for healthy individuals.)
♢ Reiki Therapy for emotional issue 90 minutes (First half includes body care, and the rest of the time is dedicated to fetish therapy. Can help with anxiety, anger issues, trauma, frustration, loss, alcohol dependency, smoking, eating disorders, etc.)
♢ Distant Reiki 60 minutes
♢ For continuing sessions with patients with serious illnesses (such as cancer treatment, collagen diseases, rheumatism, etc.), please feel free to contact us regarding consultation fees.
♢ Reiki therapy for pets and distant Reiki sessions are also available.